Saturday, March 25, 2006

The long, dark tea-time of the blogging soul......

Hello there!!! After a long hiatus from the world of blogging, I am back!!! (I know you all have tears of joy in your eyes and are wondering what good deeds you did in your past lives to deserve the honour of my return to the blogging community :), but its the saying goes 'Life is beautiful' or is it...'Every dog has its day'..ahem :)).

And another feature of 'Marvin, the blogger' v 2.0 is that he's totally new and improved.....pretty much like all new releases...except that after some time 'new and improved' bugs are also discovered in the 'new and improved' releases :)......god this software industry is getting to me!!

So I will start by trying to update you guys on the incidents in my life. So expect a free flow of posts in the near future. For the moment, I will sign off with another wise saying from none other than Bruce Wayne aka Batman.....'I am your worst nightmare....' >:).

1 comment:

Abhishek Dimri said...

Hey pal....gr8 to see ya back in action... or should i say welcome ..since i dunn think u ever started in the first place.

Anyways, this blog seems to really kicking into shape...sigh i have tears in my's like my baby growing up infront of me.