Saturday, March 25, 2006

And the story goes on....

Well...march has come and gone. Brought with it some amazing weather. It rained, was windy, sunny, even foggy on couple of mornings. It's only now that proper summer seems to be setting in.

The last time i wrote on Mostly Harmless was on 2and March. Whoa!! lots of stuff happened since then. Infact, it's been a long long week. Worked late almost every day, went out a couple of times with friends (on friday and saturday). Felt happy, sad, bored, interested, fustrated...hell i didn't sleep one night coz i was ill and up shivering n pucking away. All in all an interesting week - had fun and came to know new stuff about myself which helps for more battles ahead.

Some events that happened and i remember (2-25 March) :-

- Played holi with pals after quite a few years
- Got really drunk n wrestled with friends....awesome fun
- I worked :) ya it really did happen
- Attended a gig by one of the best guitarists in India (more on that later)
- Couple of IIM interviews
- It rained cats and dogs in delhi one day and i drove in such rain for the first time with a coupla high (drunk) people as co-passengers!!


Kshitij said...

Yeh kya hai??? I think you've been sending your manager too many status update mails...this post seems to be along the same lines....a status update post :). Just kidding, nice to see a post from you after so long.

Kshitij said...

Just a thought...why are the posts on this blog becoming so sane and sober....what happened to our insanity :)??