Monday, May 21, 2007

Errr... Swimming. Anyone?

I was sitting idle, doing nothing (as usual) when suddenly those images entered in mind.

I used to be a small kid (sic!) when I first entered a swimming pool.
With fear and anticipation, I let go of the ladders and I was there alone and completely on my own.
The instructor asked me to float and in I went. For a moment everything went berserk. I couldn't understand which way was up and which way was down. I didn't know at what angle I lay with respect to the Mother Earth. All I knew was that I was lost and I had to somehow survive. And so did I.

First lesson learnt, I was soon the king of shallow waters (thanks to floor of the pool which was just 3 feet below and easily within my reach). A friend tried to test me and dragged me into deep waters. I fought for some time and again came out, with a fist in the air.

So there I was, the king (with all due respect to HANce King) of all waters (or good times?) - be it shallow or deep.

Now starts the funny part.
Somehow, I am able to correlate the experience I had while learning swimming to that of life in general -

We leave the safe environment we grow up in, start the lonely battle, don't know which way we should head and most importantly don't know where we stand.

Slowly, every thing sinks in and we find ourselves in peace with our environment. Just to be reminded by a jolt that there are still much deeper waters to be conquered. We take a deep breath and start our journey for survival (or at least that's what people make us believe). And at the end come out victorious.

But we never ventured out of the pool. Only the size of the pool changed. We never took on the waves that hit hard on the shore. We never tried to swim across a wild river.

So, does that mean that life will also follow a similar track. We'll look for challenges but within what we describe as risk-free-environment. We'll never act wild and act as if we don't have anything to loose. We'll always have something pulling us indoors.

Think about it.

Next Up - Life and how it relates to the art of motorcycling :D

am I quitting my job? naaaah.... am too lazy for that :P


madmita said...

We'll always have something pulling us indoors.

Society pulls us back. It's like there's a way we have to behave n act n do things- all those restrictions and boundaries and other shitty stuff...
The worse thing is that we're also a part of society so it's kinda like jina yahan marna yahan wali situtaion- unless u really are free (Freeedom: nothing left to lose - janis joplin). But u see u're not.

You're entangled in a web of feelings, expectations and pride (?) not of ur own maybe but of ur parents, siblings, relatives etc.

So are u really free then to swim the wild waters? It's not even a decision u can make on your own free will (note: free will doesn't really exit, it's only a illusion).

The really really sad part is that even after this small outburst, I'm gonna go plunge back into this "society" and do what is "expceted" of me- slog my ass in the lab.


life just depresses me these days. People only "kill" people. And we're so utterly useless on our own.

Abhishek Dimri said...

I agree with that society holds us back, binds us logic, but its are we really that helpless...

But we never ventured out of the pool. Only the size of the pool changed. We never took on the waves that hit hard on the shore. We never tried to swim across a wild river.

Can't we take small stands with the framework we life on our own terms? i'm not talking about being a rebel or anything but being happy with oneself and not blame the environment we are in....

That said, i believe even in this day and age its tougher for women then men ofr they are expected to go out, earn, work and also be the homemaker, practical, understanding, sacrificing...which not bad in itself but int his ain't we killing the Indiviual.

blatherer said...


I would, rather, disagree.
In fact, women are free to do more stuff - leave job and all (at least till the time they get ready).

And there's nothing wrong with the environment. We have only ourselves to blame. The whole thing is not about cribbing but is about accusing one's own self for all the things that turned shitty.

blatherer said...


That's the word.
You keep on practicing in the pool till the day you think you are ready to brave the ocean.
The keyword being - 'till the day you think you are ready'

Abhishek Dimri said...

"The keyword being - 'till the day you think you are ready' "

Thats not a keyword !!! Its a whole freakin phrase...

blatherer said...


What dude!!
Now you'll try to look out for the grammatical errors. Remember, I never cleared CAT. So you'll have to bear with all the errors :D

Anyway, what's in a word when the meaning remains the same.

KB said...

whoa...some pretty heavy stuff going on here...and to think I considered spending an hour in shopper's stop a big swimming pool myself...

I the all adds up. Society pulls you, but it is upto you to find the balance between thouse outer pulls and inner pushes. Parent's feelings and expectations do matter...a lot at times. Life's not about waiting for the enlightening moment when it would dawn upon you that you're ready. You are never ready. Life's about living without waiting for that readiness to be achieved...maybe in constant pursuit of it?

KB said...

by the way Blatherer...
- a word as a misnomer for a phrase ain't a grammatical error :P
- stupid CAT doesn't test grammatical usage in the true sense(it's too lame to do that)...that's what GMAT is for ghissu
- why bring in the CAT in every damn discussion!

blatherer said...

well CAT is/was responsible for one getting 'ready'(at least in your, bertie's and marvin's case & i think it'll be somewhat in my case too)

life is ready.
where are you :P