Friday, January 27, 2006

Nosatagia and Agony Aunties !!

Today was was my first official holiday, i mean my manager had told me on wednesday not to show my face anywhere near office premises today. It wasn't as sinister as it sounds she actually wanted to give me a day off on account of me working my ass off over the past few days.

So i went to sleep yesteday nite with the comforting feeling that i would be able laze around all day and mock my friends who had to work today. But alas!! i was rudely awakened from my beauty sleep at 7 am in the morning by my mother-turned sergant major with just one brief - "Drop your sister to the Metro station !!"......i mean my sister is a nice'ol bird but why do i have to drop her everywhere.....what does this world have against innocent brothers ??

Anyways that done i proceeded to have a rather liesurely bath n breakfast after which i headed towards gud'ol college to collect my certificates and marksheets. Surprise...surprise !! got the certis in just 5 mins and that mean lady in the admin office (one with red hair and long teeth) has suddenly transformed from a student devouring T-Rex into a perfect angel. Made some small talk with her and remembered how she used to cut me down to size.

It also happened to be the first day of INNOVISON - the annual tech fest and all the chaos and madness that acompanies such a historical day was very much there. The emotion was getting to me now n just as i cleared my misty eyes i saw old chum Anish Johnson striding purposefully towards me and gaving me a warm reception. He was a distressed soul n this is where the nostalgia hit hard. He was organising the General Quiz to be held today.....well K n chinks would remember the fun and pressures we had to go through to to put up a top quality quiz show which left the audience dazzaled and begging for more.

Anyway next thing i know i am helping the dude conduct his prelims and around the same time making up some silly rhymey poem involving Kurt Cobain. With Johnny organising the quiz the questions were always gonna be gud and it was in line with the proud quizzing traditions of NSIT although not quite the classics the college had witnessed in the past few years with us (me, K n chinks) incharge. I left with the final advice about not to agree for anything less than a primetime slot in the Audi for the finals later that evening.

Later in the evening i got the chance to play agony aunt to a friend in need of either a helpful conversation or couple of strong drinks to clear the head a little bit. So naturally for the sake of the pal i grabbed the phone and called.....ahem well during the coversation i got a feeling that the conversation wasn't going anywhere and it would have been better to let the balmy soul be alone with the spirit of its choice. But the friend actually called me back to tell me among other things what a pathetic job i had done and had been a disgrace to agony aunts in general.

So as i ready to go sleep its in sound knowledge that one more career option is not for me....sigh....i really thought i could make it big with this one.


madmita said...

a friend in need of either a helpful conversation or couple of strong drinks
next time try giving a couple of vodka shots instead of helpful advice!
might work!

blatherer said...


My 1 finger for the overflowing patriotism

Abhishek Dimri said...

i distinctly remeber going for Lakshya and Swades with a certain mr blatherer (huh...just the 2 of us)....and as the pop patriotism was peddled....wait wait....oh yes!! that was a tear from blathie's eyes and he used my comforting shoulder to sob gud times those !!

Abhishek Dimri said...


KB said...

Stop buzzing u B's

Abhishek Dimri said...