Wednesday, January 04, 2006


So the 3 almighty IIMs decided to show me the finger this year round. Big Deal. I'm kinda used to the gesture anyways. But the kind of response it evoked from ahem... my well-wishers was.....surprising, to say the least.

It all begins on a gloomy foggy morning on the 2nd of Jan, when, after almost 3 sleepless, crazy, boozed up nights in a row, I wake up to a strange feeling that this year promises to be as crappy as the previous one. Talk about deja vu. So off i head unclean, unshaven and unwantingly to the office....forcing smiles and "Happy New Year to you too"s.
Anyhow, just as the black coffee was beginning to hit me and bring some senses back to the head, I'm greeted by good 'ol Razdan, not with another "Happy New Year" but the news that the Truth is finally out, er... i.e., the calls have been announced.
Cheerful as he sounds and zombie-like that i am right now, I mistake his enthu for a positive news and congratulate him. Damn, another hit on the head. Should start bringing my helmet in from now on. Only then do I check my own results, and the middle-finger slowly begins to materialise on my monitor.

Call it a hangover, or a "I don't care" attitude for....well Life, the Universe and Everything, I seriously feel no remorse on the news. Suddenly Homer Simpson is my idol. But then as the phone calls/emails begin to pour in, I start to fel the gravity of the situation (and jus so u shud know, gravity is the laaast thing I need more of!)

Some responses from people:
*Oh shit!
*Sorry yaar, shit happens.
*U r a stupid useless creature.
*Don't kill urself, u were at my B'day treat, now I want urs. (I swear this is true)
*More Oh shit!s

Such heart-wrenching thoughts. I suddenly feel an urge to listen to Floyd. Or Eminem, for that matter.
I mean, come on people. I know that my lesser-brained compatriots expect nothing short of perfection from my side, but I'm no god. Not according to most cultures. Besides, not getting some shitty calls from an institute that can turn me into a millionaire before i can imagine, well.....that's not the end of the world. I can still try for Trilogy ;-), or easier still, apply the next time.
So, at the end, I feel that this year may not be that crappy after all. For starters, I learnt the best way to get rid of hangovers. And hey, this wise ass attitude feels really cool too!


Abhishek Dimri said...

Shit happens dude....u r my pal n you shall be taken care off.


madmita said...

you said 3 IIMs showed you the finger, that implies the rest welcomed you with open arms hun?
anyway- at least you know where you're headed and that's quite an achievement. I know a lot of twenty-somethings, ahem me, who are still aimless wanderers!
So this year aint too bad dude...even a deja vu invokes a different feeling each time!

KB said...

Well 2 did........and now i feel it's time I used my lazy fingers as well.

KB said...

"R-bit gyaan :
each time life gave me the middle finger...
i used it to clean my nose.

Undoubtedly the best one from, r-bit since ages!