Friday, July 11, 2008

Second Year :D

My past two weekends at K were probably the best ever. Partying. boozing and dancing till the wee hours ... listening to, amongst other things, an impromptu (and more importantly, an awesome) rendition of Nothing Else Matters by a fachcha in the OA amphi. ... and wrapping it all up with pan and apple flavoured Hookahs in the balcony, creating new philosophies with friends while the sun came up... filling with light the cloud-covered valley. Aaaah...what a sight!
Sleeping at 8 in the morning, getting up at 4 in the evening. Eating whatever, whenever. Doing whatever, whenever.

Is this what they call the bohemian way of life?? Is this a defense mechanism that the PGP2s adopt...having returned from the nerve-reckingly boring summer internships, getting a glimpse of what awaits them for the rest of their lives?? (Ahem..this philosophy is a by-product of one of the hookah sessions only...)

Who cares...the year has started in a great way. Looking forward to making it the greatest ever!

@Blatherer - hang in there dude! Second year's fun is in direct proportion to first year's misery!!

1 comment:

blatherer said...

i hope they are so :P
btw, i'm playing this weekend. i'm now a part of JBS BaroC, IIMC's official music group. will be picking up bass too, for few songs :D

and, you too have started using tags. cool :)