Sunday, July 09, 2006

2nd time unlucky

Well the whole thing was supposed to come as a package.
The actual execution and then the act of telling everyone about it.

But as they say - you can fool all of them some time, but you can't fool some of them all the time. (ok that was crappy)

It started with bertie asking us to provide him with some grass.
But since we had none, we manufactured some :)
Right from the tree under my house I took some dead leaves, grinded them till they resembled some what to actual grass.

Then came the D-day and we passed on this stuff to bertie and guess what he was getting high on it.
Voila, we had invented grass. And it was available aplenty - in the garden, on the porch, on the tree........

Things were getting a bit out-of-hand when he passed the stuff to madmita as well.
Don't know whether she got high or not. (my bet is on the former)

But unlike all things which end on a happy note, things went berserk.

We wanted to end all this thing with a bang - big blog, pictures attached and the works.
But, my guess is that Bertie got hold of the whole thing thru someone else thus leading to more confusion, mistrust, tension :(

Anyways, now that bertie has gone far away we'll have to find a new bakra for such pranks. Any one game?

Private Messages

@bertie - chill dude. it was just a silly joke. we know you'll feel bad but things will change one day and you'll get a chance to aim at my & zz9's ass.
@madmita - you became a passive victim. just stranded in the cross-fire :D


KB said...

What ho Blatherer! Surely the finest piece of blog-ing to come out of your (key)strokes...
Wonder who told fact wonder whether he knew even ( matters of grass one can't ever be sure)

KB said...

And not to forget...chuck the IT industry hell with MBA even...we've got the business idea of the century....let's rake in the millions (er.. i mean leaves)

madmita said...

no wonder all the fuss abt where i got me joint from!!!
my throat got all messed up and i was burping smoke the whole day!

but i did have a peculiar metro ride that day...maybe bunking work has more "grass" than blatherer's yard!!!


lesson learnt- only trust ex-roomie when it comes to joints!


madmita said...

and hey time [hopefully there will be a next prank] can i be on the all-knowing-side???

madmita said...
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blatherer said...

there sure was something in it.
i still remember the hazy eyed , about to get wasted, bertie smoking those joints.
and no. bunking office gives no high at all.