Tuesday, April 18, 2006

To blog or not to blog !!

Mostly Harmless is a rather interesting lil spec in blogosphere. Being one of the founding members makes me happy about it. That said my lack of contributions or should i say offerings at the temple of 'Random Whacky Chat', lately is not gud at all. But hey!! that's me. I rarely finish anything i start. I usually begin with great gusto only for enthu to peter out. I mean even preparing for CAT or the GD/PI, i eased up towards the end. So even if i am going to a decent institute i know that i definately didn't put in the sufficient amount of hardwork needed to crack the big ones (A,B or C).

So, Marvin n i decide one day to start a blog (sometime in early December). Those who knopw us wouldn't have been even a teeny-weeny bit surprised that the blog n it's feel was inspired loosely by D.Adams n PG Wodehouse. Ahem...well actually we stole the name of their book n characters. Like i mentioned earlier it was started out to be this wacky place where we could air n share any of our stupid, silly n non-sensical thoughts. Yeh there are plenty of them in our heads. Then ofcourse, the loony group was increased by including other nutty pals. Infact now one of the things i do everyday in the morning is to visit Mostly Harmless. Inspite of the rate of new posts being as fast as a lazy n sleepy tortoise, it's become a sorta habit. N boy has this place evolved....it's seen gud times, spats, patch ups, theories, primers to theories, poems, serious discussions and the works. What such a place needed was a collection of crazy'ol nicombpoops.

As the following Murphy's law indicates:
"The chance of the bread falling with the buttered side down is directly proportional to the cost of the carpet."

TaDa....so you have :-

- Blah : straight talkin dude. Never shy to call a real fart a fart....he brings some sembelance of order to the crazy randomness over here. Infact he along with ZZ9 are the lungs of this blog, however polluted and full of holy smoke those lungs are.

- ZZ9 : writes insightful & funny enteries and also the one with the biggest female fan following. Definately the most regular...thank heavens i sent him an invite. His posts gen bring a smile to my face weather its coz he messed it up big time with a super-dupah, ultra rich chic or imagining him wearing a turban on top of that silly grin he wears all the while.

- Madmita : ah....well moody, wonderfully weird n at times awesome writer with a penchant for inflicting temporary disorientation to readers n fellow bloggers. As if what was being said on this blog wasn't crappy enough and covered the entire space dimension of this universe, she brings in a time variable. Posts with a mind of their own....they are there one day...only to decide ah well...we're bored with these geysers n then disappear.

- Marvin : me pal is just too busy to write. Knowing Marvin, the workaholic that he is its not surprising. He's like the non-preforming assets (haha MBA jargon already) a company holds. Soo c'mon u disgusting piece of crap...move those fat lazy fingers and type away. Btw, Delhi ka trip bana yaar !!

So this is the story of this blog, where ppl share joys, sad thoughts, fustrations, general observations, social commentary n stuff....only its all mostly harmless.


blatherer said...

too early to stay things like these.
you still have 2 months with you. after that you are doomed :)

madmita said...

you're just god damn lucky you found the "right" [read: funny, witty and weird!] people to write in "your" blog...

Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.