Those who were high -

And those who were not -

Moral of the Story -
Dope not only makes you high, but also saner
Around four years ago four specimens of the ape-descended species, which inhabit this utterly insignificant little blue green planet met. After a few months of relatively formal chit-chat they realized that they shared amongst them a rare brand of insanity. This blog is an attempt by these very same specimens and their friends to share their plethora of thoughts which range from the insanely sane to simply, insane.
truer words have never been spoken
This is def the best post on this blog!
psst: dope only gives you high when you've had so much that you can't even think anymore...
The illegality of pot is outrageous, an impediment to full utilization of a drug which helps produce the serenity and insight, sensitivity and fellowship so desperately needed in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.
Blatherer my friend...u forgot that this is before we lit up...if it had been after, I swear I'd have put that bus parked on a slope into neutral...
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