Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Moksha, eh?
So our enthu juniors decided to hold a special jig for the Alumni at Moksha this time around. Nice idea, I thought, 'cause the alumni network of NSIT sucks bigtime. Also, it would have been cool to be treated with repect at the college, for a change.
But all my dreams of a red-carpet welcome and fancy dinner were shattered at the college. Not only were the juniors quite indifferent in their attitudes, they also showed no hesitation in letting us know of their one and only motive :(. Even the dinner sucked, with people having to scrape food out of the utensils. Hey, maybe it was purposely done to revive the nostalgia of the hostel mess...

But the surprise of the evening was definitely the jam-session. The basketball-court had been efficiently transformed into what resembled an acces-controlled, grooving upmarket disc. The elitist snob of a premier engg institute (that some of us were so proud of) was changed into a bohemian ghetto of smoking, drunk and doped teens/post-teens, grooving to the tunes like B.C. Suttah (seriously!), and even singing along the unparliamentary-lyrics with full zest.
Maybe these ppl took the name of the fest too seriously!


Abhishek Dimri said...

what was the one and only motive the juniors had ??

seems like i didn't miss much...not
really studying aajkal but not allowing myself to have any sort of fun.

KB said... fund...

blatherer said...

^^ Also better networking among the alumni's.

Who knew that one of our alumni was Director of Shipping Board, GoI or some one who has left IIMC midway.