Flashback...March 13th,2006..... its yet another boring Monday evening and I am sitting at my desk thinking how quickly the weekend had whizzed by (it was quite an amazing weekend, more on that in the next post :)). To make matters worse Holi is less than 48 hours away and what I can't get over is the fact that we don't even have a bloody holiday that day!!!! Well anyways, I was able to convince some friends to drop the idea of celebrating holi at dinner time and called them over to my place in the morning to celebrate holi 'Dilli Ishtyle' >:). Well just as I had 'not' expected this Holi turned out to be one of my most enjoyable Holis ever. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I'll stop here and well...this is what we looked like at the end of it all.......

Anyways, fun as the holi was it lacked the 'dilli' touch. So cleverly making an excuse to get my roommate (the guy in the photo who looks like the victim of an explosion in Tom& Jerry) I went downstairs to pick up those gifts of hens to mankind which we have shunned these days thanks to avian flu....eggs. Well it was here that things took on an interesting turn. Now studies say that different people react differently to eggs. The effect it had on my first victim is worth documenting and should provide valuable insights to pyscho-analysts all over the world. A cracked egg on my friend's head seemed to rouse the sleeping Bruce Lee in her. And before I could help it I got 5-6 taekwondo kicks squarely in my butt. The sequence of events was so shocking to me that I got a bout of apoplexy and ended up like this :).....

Thinking this to be a one off event I went and washed my face only to be colored back to purple but this time by another colleague;
The rest of the work day was pretty much the usual...had a heavy lunch and slept on my desk :). In the evening all of us were invited over for dinner at my friend's place (lets call her PowerpuffGirl for ease of reference...those reading this post with care would not find it difficult to relate this character to the Bruce Lee descendant mentioned above). Had an awesome home-cooked dinner because another friend's, who happens to be PowerpuffGirl's roommate and a fellow colleague (unfortunately she isn't there in the picture above...I think she took the picture)...well yeah so her mother and sister had come down for Holi. In all it was a very nice Holi. However, fate, as I have said before, was quietly slipping lead into the boxing glove as it prepare to punch poor-ol'-unsuspecting me. It seems that PowerpuffGirl, on account of being a pure vegetarian, had gone into shock after the egg incident and decided to get back at me once again by squashing a tomato on my head. And so feeling like how Adam would've felt had the bible said that the actual sin was not the consumption of the forbidden apple by Eve but simply the fact that Eve whacked Adam with a tomato, I headed back for home thinking that this Holi was quite an 'eggs'perience.
celebrating holi, the 'dilli' way.
and looking at the pics, i think we played a saner holi up here in dilli :D
I luv Powerpuff girl....so i am not the only one who gets the itch to randomly give u a couple of flying kicks on that inflated arse of yours.
N hey tell KJ, he should keep that look...suits him to the T !!
late as usual...thank god ur dig at holi came while diwali was still far...
neways, gr8 2 hear u had a blast, me on the other hand was stuck with ...ahem...
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