Monday, April 02, 2007

Will He? Won't He?

And yes...this time he DID! Yet-umpteenth again...
Well, since I'm in no mood for suspense...the He is our dear ol' Blatherer...and what he did do, is...well, he puked!! Yes people...the king-of-all-things-vomity did'nt disappoint us, with unmatched histrionics and acts at a recent bash at TGIF's...only to end it all with his signature puke-fall-and-roll-around-in-it sequence! Too bad you couldn't accompany us to PbN...would have been fun to see your reactions to those vodka-waala-golgappas...
The only troubling times in the entire incident were when his vows to stick to beer at parties...alas, that would only deprive us poor souls of such fineries!


blatherer said...

i have a signature style!!
and that too when i have done IT just 2 times in my life :O

damn dude! ur blog disappointed me.
i was almost ready with my plan to do IT once again (this time on beer only) :D

madmita said...

itna bada I aur T to refer to puke?

I think the Mostly Harmless community (including me) needs to get a life!

or did I miss the point?