Wednesday, March 21, 2007

  • An enthu project team deciding to have a cricket match on Saturday, just before India's first match at the Cup, only to manage 2 measly innings and spending rest of the evening guzzling beer
  • An over-enthu member of the same team breaking off his bat when India lost...
  • Abuses hurled and tables banged in a meeting to decide which team would be responsible for a critical bug
  • A mock fire drill in which half the people were convinced there was actually fire in the building; more than half of those more worried about not having taken a backup or checked in their code, than their lives

Who says office is boring??


blatherer said...

i remember a time when the fire alarm went out for REAL.
people stood up. started looking at each other's face and were laughing !!

madmita said...

n i remember the practice fire drill where they lit an incense stick right under the smoke detector in order to raise the alarm...n the thing didn't even utter a beep!

KB said...

in all probability, these stupid moch fire drills would outnumber actual fires by roughly a billion times.