Monday, February 19, 2007

Went to my first ever book reading on saturday!!
It was totally awwwesome (used this same stupid spelling in my last post, but what the heck).

The venue - Crossword, Gurgaon (a cherished influx of culture in this materialistic shit of a city)

The book - The inheritance of loss. A great read...sad and funny at the same time...but not Booker material :D (not even close to god of small things, or midnight's children......ahh, wish for once I could've heard Salman Rushdie reading from one of his own works....)

The reader - One Mrs. Neelima Ray from the american council, also a lecturer at LSR.....blown away by the depth of her comprehension. Damn...I can't stop cursing my four years of engineering for shaping up this absolutely-no-lateral, only linear thinking mind :(

Note to self - Get your bum to every possible book reading-concert-theatre event hapenning around, and redeem your culturalself!


madmita said...

never been to a book readin before- sounds like u got brainwashed!

blatherer said...

from the linear thinking mind that was developed during engg. to that which will be enhanced in the b-school.

way to go :P

Anonymous said...

hey. junior dimri here. great to see a bunch of engineers...hating the herd!
Ref: last blog
Think the prime problem is that no one questions the norms, actually most people don't even think for themselves, which is baffling especially if its about what one will do for life.
I could go on forever as society sucks at large, but i'll restrain.

ps-you guys should write more often....can bertie write?

blatherer said...

bertie quit.

and we are still trying to understand the herd theory (at least that's the reason i wRite less these days)

Kshitij said...

Bertie quit?

Kshitij said...

Write less.. Herd theory??? please forgive my giant brain but I think I am missing something here!

blatherer said...

he he