Sunday, October 22, 2006

The questions without an answer!

A Diwali weekend, crackers that make more noise rather than exploding: ka-ching!, Motor Cycle Diaries and the biography of Che Guevara - A deadly combo that can shatter your self-beliefs and make you question yourself.

You see your friends running to add that extra zero at the end of their paychecks and at the same time you see that poor fellow trying to remove the zero from his.

Are we on the road to progress?
Definitely not that kid who looked bewildered, seeing the sky lit up with a thousand colors (or was it the thousand rupee note)

India is progressing.
Salaries sure are.
And so is the disparity among the different sections of society.
Juvenile Crime rate is.
Naxalite and Maoist revolutionaries are.

So what is the solution to all this?
A revolution.
A communist government at the center.
A more socially-responsible corporate sector.
Or maybe more and more people giving back to the society.

I don'’t have the answers.
Hell, I don'’t even know the questions yet.

1 comment:

madmita said...

In school I thought that life was about finding answers...
In college I realised it was more about asking the right questions...
Now I think it's about avoiding the whole question-answer trap...