One for the road

Around four years ago four specimens of the ape-descended species, which inhabit this utterly insignificant little blue green planet met. After a few months of relatively formal chit-chat they realized that they shared amongst them a rare brand of insanity. This blog is an attempt by these very same specimens and their friends to share their plethora of thoughts which range from the insanely sane to simply, insane.
AWESOME PIC. Do u mind....removing that ugly blue, is it? Cud b replaced by....u know, an Avenger. Probably in red
You told me the road was full of potholes n stuff...n instead of putting up a pic of a strech of nice featuring a lissome french babe would have been appreciated much more by everybody.
Avenger sucks dude.
How bout a harley !!
Maybe 7-10 yrs down the line :D
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