Of third time (un)lucky!So, this was the third time I was getting a clearance form signed by the same librarian and that surely felt pathetic. However, after thinking about it for a moment, I realized that my state of emotion had been completely unmatched during all those three occasions.
I remember the first time I came to this company. It was for a training that I undertook before finally joining the company. That was my first exposure to the corporate world and, needless to say, I was aghast. Everyone looked busy; there were state-of-the-art video conferencing facilities; the coffee vending machine had so many options; the labs were filled with towering equipments. I was more than joyous to know that in some months I would be a part of all this and would be tinkering around with all of these. But, for that particular moment, it was strictly business – meeting mentors, project assignments, reports and all that jazz.
The second time around was a much prolonged stay. There were more than 100 of us who had joined and each had that desire to prove him or herself. They were ready to be challenged and were eager to perform. Of course, leave aside those who hated the company from the very first moment and opened monster.com or naukri.com as soon as they got their own desktop.
But, the second stay was the perhaps the best of all. This was the time we made and, in some cases, remade friends, realized our potential, got a deeper perspective on what we wanted in life. It was filled with experiences – working late, getting help from unexpected people, handling over-ambitious, backbiting colleagues, dealing unnecessary work pressure from managers, getting work done by the lazy ones, getting work done for the lazy ones and multitasking to ensure that you get selected for that coveted b-school. To sum it up, it was perhaps the eye-opener, a revelation of sorts that looked you deep into your eyes and screamed – Wake Up!
Coming to third time, as it’s happening with this post, I was bored by the time I reached here. So, there started my glorious term with me sending a hate-mail (almost!) sent to the HR people before joining, followed by a tussle with the security guys on the second day. The manager went missing for the first few days, leaving me high and dry with no clue on what to do. And, a repeat act, with him going missing again on the last day, delaying my relieving date by a day. Don’t even dare make me say anything between those two days; I call them
shitty-summer-afternoons-with-too-low-temperature-and-too-high-caffeine-and-no-one-to-guide-me-and-do-something-meaningful days.
So, as was my status message a few days back, I guess this is, in fact, the end of an era. The one I took unknowingly and the one that I am leaving purposefully.
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test, and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time