Wednesday, November 28, 2007
For December 15 to come!! And for me to rush back to Gurgaaaon!! And meeteatshoproamlive...
Till then, it's submissions, submissions...and yet some more submissions...
OB assignments that I can't comprehend
FinMan quizzes that make my head spin
OpsMan classes that make me feel like puking
They'd said 2nd term would be hard. It's not hard...its mind numbingly boringirritatingfrustrating...
Where's the rest of the junta gone...
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The candles burnt.....but the aura remained.
bought a laptop but the shipment got delayed by a week....blew up money on repairing my old pc but that didn't help....fought with friends....slipped twice on my bike....almost died, driving towards a big truck that came out of nowhere in the dark....the tyre burst and I had to walk for kilometers at a stretch....stuck in work about which I do not have the slightest clue....deadlines cut down by 60%....sleepless nights....and they say that a great year starts along with every birthday.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Diwali used to be Diwali back then.
Candles. Sweets. Gifts. Lights. Crackers. And all the fun.
Slowly and steadily we struck off one item after the other.
Diwali turned out to be just-another-holiday when it’s compulsory to take a bath.
Even though I was as usual left out – all alone – at home, that didn’t stop me from having fun.
It would easily have been the winner in the Best Home made Videos Ever! series. So there I was, with flames coming out of my machine, trying to blow it off using all the wind power in my lungs. With my first-hand experience, I can guarantee you that a burning PC may be a costly affair but it’s surely worth the fun :-)
Damn! We know that we like meaningless Govinda-type films. But secrets like these are to be kept hidden inside the closet. You don’t go out and declare it to the world, making a mockery of yourself and your fellow artists.